Marijuana Legislation in 2022: What States Will Be Next?

Marijuana Legislation in 2022: What States Will Be Next?

It has been several years since the first legalization of marijuana in Colorado, which has since seen a significant boost in its infrastructure and its marijuana sales tax. Several other states that have legalized the substance have seen remarkable growth. As we enter this next year, it's always one of the most popular questions people ask: who will be next?

Marijuana legalization has been discussed at both the federal and the state levels. However, there's likely going to be more active with state legislation than anything that might occur at the national level. 

Currently, 23 different states have legislation available to allow cannabis to become legal. Let's get into the other states that might legalize cannabis this year!


This state has a piece of legislation currently in circulation in the courts, HB 305, which would legalize cannabis for those over 21. Despite being close to being passed, it is set to go through revisions to be unanimously passed and legalized this year. 


The Sunshine State has numerous bills that would legalize cannabis for recreational purposes. They offer medicinal marijuana, but as long as these legislative documents pass their House and Senate, recreational is likely next.


Just north of the Sunshine State, Georgia has its eyes set on legalization between HR 281 and SB 263, which would help to legalize cannabis but also set up the framework for voters to vote this into law officially.  


This tropical paradise has half a dozen bills in the works that would allow for the legalization of cannabis. SB 767 was passed in March of 2021, but the date for legalization is nearly 100 years into the future! However, the hope is that this year they will revisit the bills and legalize it now, not in a century.


Situated south of Lake Michigan, this state has two House and Senate bills that legalize cannabis for possession, not sale. There would also be an advisory committee created for cannabis, but it is unclear what path the state will take to help make legalization a possibility. 


Also, in the Midwest, Iowa has its eyes set on legalization. There are nearly half a dozen bills in circulation in the House and Senate that would help legalize and regulate the substance in the state, allowing for adults to have up to an ounce within Iowa. 


One bill is circulating in Kansas that would change cannabis laws in the state: HB 2430. Unfortunately, this carried over into 2022 without any action, but perhaps they will change their minds and take action this year!


Much like Kansas, two bills from the House carried over that would officially legalize cannabis and regulate it for all adults. The hope is that they revisit these and decide to take action, even if it only goes into being passed this year.


With a pre-filed resolution, Maryland will likely see legalization in July 2023 after they draft the documents for final approval. They are one of the few states that are near legalization soon!


Last year, the state passed HF 600 to legalize cannabis. Still, they will resume their session this year and revisit accompanying documents to pass the legalization and regulation of cannabis for all adults.

Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio

These states have legislation that has been passed, but it is uncertain whether or not they will act on these bills this year and pass them into law. There has been no word yet on these legislative documents' intentions.


The passing of LB 546 would regulate and legalize cannabis. It would also create an amendment for the residents to vote on to formalize this into law.

New Hampshire

There has been a lot of activity in this part of the country! HB 629 carried over from 2021, and it passed. So with all of the activity in the governing bodies of New Hampshire, it looks like there could be secure legalization in the next year or so.

North Carolina and Pennsylvania

Both of these states saw bills that carried over from 2021 that, if passed, would also allow for the legalization and the regulation of marijuana within their state borders.

Oklahoma and South Dakota

Both Oklahoma and South Dakota are situated in a similar position where the bills have carried over, but there has been no action on either bill. So as of yet, there's still no word on their status.

South Carolina and West Virginia

Similarly, these states have several bills in circulation that, if passed, would officially pass the legalization and regulation of marijuana for both medical and recreational uses.  


HB 1587 and SB 1477 are in circulation alongside HB 1099, all of which would allow for the passing of legalized marijuana and regulation of this. It would also create a tax system to help their state.


Out of all of the states listed, Wisconsin is the only state looking to create both medical and recreational accessibility for its citizens. This would be made through SB 545, which has yet to be acted upon in courts this year. 

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